Forty Two Minutes Before Sunrise
This piece was inspired by an outdoor yoga experience on beautiful Exmoor when one of the ladies there explained how forty two minutes before sunrise each day trees start to release oxygen and the birds start to sing.
This piece takes us through some of the things that happen as the world wakes to a new day. The day is dark and cold to begin with, but the birds still start to sing. Gradually there is light and warmth. But a predator appears. There is a threat. The predator passes through and is replaced by red kites and buzzards effortlessly riding the thermals. Our piece closes with a meditative feel, being in tune with the rhythm of the earth.
At seven minutes long with four flats and some tricky rhythms in the upper parts this is an interesting piece for intermediate players.
Instrumentation: 8 part recorder ensemble - Sn,S,S,A,T,B,GtB, CB
ISMN 979-0-708207-08-5